Posts tagged tea
Look Right

 © Anna Denise Floor

Am a bit behind on posting my journal pages as you can see. These past two weeks have been absolutely nuts. I travelled to London and Dublin for work (yes, my life is actually that awesome, hate me), threw a big wedding celebration with the Fantastic Mr. Floor, somehow messed up my big toe, making it ever harder to walk normally, and generally spent a lot of time feeling Very Responsible for Everything (which is a great way to spend your time. Squiggly mouth smiley face). 

Anyhow - here's a drawing. Tadah! 
Now go away and ignore the fact that it's almost freaking November. 



Jasmin tea in one of Kim's delicious tea cups she left behind for me to use. 

Summer is definitely over now and the Dutch skies above us have switched back to those smashing shades of gray it dons most of the year. I have purchased myself a pair of new boots to replace the old ones that none of the shoe repair men (and one woman) in town could save, have dug up the winter coat (ok, it was hanging right there in the hallway, but I denied acknowledging its presence for a few months), and am dreaming of pancakes, tea, and pumpkin pie. 

Also, this video is about a year old, I think, but it's magnificent. It's a dance performance by Yokoo, one of our top sellers on Etsy, creator of amazing knitted accessories and gorgeous Etsy shops. She truly is amazing.  Check it out.