Posts in London
Journal Pages: In Bloom

Oh what a difference a week makes. From the freezing Brighton beach we went to summery sunny days in London. We've been having a great time exploring this new home town of ours that seems to have finally woken up from its slumber and my allergies are finally acting up. I'm not complaining. Just expressing myself is all. Hope it's sunny wherever you are, dear reader - enjoy!

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

Journal Pages: Brrrighton

As perhaps you've seen on Instagram (I am obsessed with Instagram so much, it's like my new best friend), Jochem and I were in Brighton last weekend! I booked an AirBnB for Jochem's birthday as a surprise, but I messed up and totally told him beforehand. I also got him a toaster, though, which he totally didn't expect, so at least there was that element of surprise. 

The weather was absolutely terrible, but we still managed to have a very nice time, and it was great for me to see a bit more of this country we moved to, as I'm ashamed to say this was the first time outside of London for me. Shaaame. 

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

Journal Pages: Miauw

When I was home sick this week, I finally caught up on reading through my stack of Frankie Magazines (so love that magazine) and came across a hilarious article on how at some point in your late twenties, early thirties, all your friends turn into couples and you all of a sudden find yourself attending dinner parties where all people talk about is mortgages and appliances. My friends are pretty awesome so they also talk about other things (although it has been suggested to me more than once that I get food processor X or mixer Y instead of my 5 Euro supermarket version which I happened to think was pretty grown up already), but it is true in a sense. Adult life can be very boring. Full of chores and boomerang errands where you take care of something, only for it to be followed up by another errand. Have I told you that joke about how the internet was supposed to be installed in my place this week? Oh yeah, they didn't show. 

These journal pages are not about any of this, I just felt like stating the obvious above. Also, I was reminded of it because I felt like a real grown up when my new bank cards arrived in the mail. Yay. Bank cards! Bureaucratic hurdle number one has been taken!

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

© Anna Denise Floor

Happy London Times

Happy holidays, everyone! Or: Merry Christmas! Or: Happy whatever doesn't offend you (seen on a sign in a London store window)!

We made it. Miso made it. Our stuff made it. Even our bikes made it - just on time for a nervous bike ride down to St. Paul's on nearly empty roads this Christmas day. 

Internet is limited up here in our little tree house overlooking the city, so we read books and prepare lavish meals, and try to fit the contents of the 130 boxes the movers packed into the 50m2 at our disposal before the first guests arrive. 

Happy times, everyone. Hope you have a good time wrapping up this year and preparing for the next. It's going to be a good one, I think.